How to Get Accredited?

Accreditation / How to Get Accredited?

Be Certified

Accreditation Process

Accreditation made easy by GAC in six easy steps

Apply for Accreditation

You have to submit your application through the form available on the website.

Documents Will Be Reviewed

As part of the evaluation preparation process, the Gulf Accreditation Commission to United States evaluates the documents.

Primary Assessment

A primary assessment is conducted by the team responsible for it.

Deciding Process

The assessment's deliverables are reviewed by the accreditation decision committee and manager, who then decide whether to provide accreditation.

Result of the Assessment

Assessment reports, nonconformity cases, accreditation scope, evidence supporting corrective actions, accreditation team recommendations, etc.

Final Findings

Within the allotted time frame, GAC submits corrective action documentation for findings closure.